Harbor Breeze Glass Globe
What is a Harbor Breeze Glass Globe?
A glass globe is simply a glass globe but it examines the light in the light kit. Therefore, we can say that it focusses on the light in a specific manner just like a lamp shade. You may need it when you change your bulb and suddenly the globe slips away and falls. It will smash on the floor and you will need a new Harbor Breeze glass globe. If you want to avoid this incident then you need to unfasten the globe and put it on the table. Do not leave it on unlevel surface otherwise, you can go on changing the bulb without putting it down. If your globe will break then you will not be able to fix it whether you use superglue or adhesive. You will have to replace it and you have two options for this. You can contact local Home Depot or Lowe’s store to get the replacement part.
Do not try to fix or glue a broken shade back together
Although it is a hard task to find a Harbor Breeze glass globe replacement part. But we also do not suggest you to try to fix the globe in any way. If you will try to do so then we assure you that it will break again. Additionally, the small pieces of glass are not safe, therefore, do not try to choose them with your hand. You should use a vacuum to clean the floor to avoid any damage. If you have pets or children then you will not like it that they put their feet on the glass. It is also possible that small children try to eat them. That is why you have to avoid it.
Get help while replacing a Harbor Breeze glass globe
A piece of advice, do not try to change Harbor Breeze glass globe on your own. You seek help because it becomes an easy task when you a bulb, shade or globe with someone’s help. In order to complete the task, you can involve your roommate, dad, mom, spouse or brother. At times, you may need an extra hand to hold the shade when you unhook it or release it from holding screws. Normally, the light kit has that screw that you need to turn if you want to loosen the hold on the globe. Sometimes you will have to use a screwdriver to complete the task. It does not happen in several cases but if it is, then you require help. First, decide that who will hold the glass globe so it will not smash on the floor. You may be desperate to accomplish the task but you should wait until you get an extra hand.