Harbor Breeze Phone Numbers
If you are trying to find a phone number of Harbor Breeze customer service then we can give you the support number. In this article, we have listed a Harbor Breeze Phone number that can help you reach the company directly. But you should keep it in your mind that we are not affiliated with them. Harbor Breeze outlet only gives repair and technical information for your sake. After contacting them, if you are unable to solve the mystery then you can post a comment or put forward a question by filling the form on our website. If we will be able to help you then we will respond to you as early as possible.
Questions you may ask about getting support from Harbor Breeze Customer Support
- How can I get warranty support?
- I need a replacement part for my Harbor Breeze ceiling fan and where can I get it?
- I tried to find my desired part from the local hardware store but could not find it. What to do?
- Can I cover my problem under warranty?
- How to get support over the phone for my Harbor Breeze ceiling fan or related issues?
You can contact them from Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m to 5 p.m Eastern Standard Time (EST). If you want to contact the manufacturer then dial the below number
Manufacturer’s Phone Number 1-800-527-1292