Who makes Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fans
People usually search who makes harbor breeze ceiling fans or who manufactures harbor breeze ceiling fans and the answer is Litex industries. It is a company that makes these fans in Texas. Litex industries is not only famous for making Harbor Breeze, they are also known as importer and manufacturer of many other brands of ceiling fans. This company also manufactures lighting too. To know about the production of lighting product of Litex, you need to locate X mark available on the light kit or on the fan blades.
Litex has been in relationship with certain retailers – it means that they have a retail chain of ceiling fans but they do not have store chains. Litex is famous for its energy efficient fan motors.
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Where can I find contact information of Litex fan company?
Currently, the company of Litex fans is updating its website. Therefore, we are unable to give you that information because we are unable to find it. If you know about it, you can leave that in the comment section so we shall post it later. We would publish your feedback.
Is Litex a good quality fan manufacturer?
In our opinion, we will definitely say yes. It is due to the fact that Litex has been making Harbor Breeze ceiling fans so if they did not make it, Harbor Breeze would not be in industry.
So, that is all. We have written this post to let you know who makes Harbor Breeze ceiling fans. Are we missing anything? Feel free to inform us.